National Curriculum
of England

Guidance on teaching the gifted and talented


Gifted Pupils in English: Identifying Characteristics

Gifted students in English tend to exhibit distinct traits that set them apart from their peers. Here’s a breakdown of these characteristics:

  1. Creative Flair:
  • They often express themselves, whether in writing or speaking, in imaginative and coherent ways that are remarkable for their age.
  • Their ability to elaborate on content and organize it stands out as extraordinary.
  1. Stamina and Perseverance:
  • They leverage any available opportunities to create comprehensive work, indicative of well-directed and sustained effort.
  1. Communicative Skills:
  • They can engage audiences effectively, often utilizing drama or humor in their narrative.
  • These students play a pivotal role in group activities, guiding the group towards its objectives while ensuring everyone’s participation.
  • Their writing may show a strong sense of metaphorical or poetic flair.
  • They have the ability to capture the essence of specific styles and adapt them effectively.
  • Their communication is often succinct, elegant, and tailored to their audience.
  • They proficiently use ICT to research and craft new textual content.
  1. Ability to Undertake Demanding Tasks:
  • They are adept at extracting, comparing, and merging information from diverse sources, including digital ones.
  • They engage deeply and creatively with moral and social themes in literature.
  1. Arguing and Reasoning:
  • Their ability to create and maintain reasoned arguments, in both speech and writing, stands out.
  • They can distill essential content and reframe it logically, offering fresh insights or syntheses.
  • They persuasively justify their views, and actively engage in discussions, challenging or building upon others’ viewpoints.
  1. Awareness of Language:
  • Their understanding of language nuances, like rhyme, intonation, or accent in spoken language, and the grammatical structure in written texts, is profound.
  • They showcase an inherent interest in language studies, recognizing patterns and connections between languages which might elude most of their peers.

It’s crucial to note that while some gifted English students may consistently perform at advanced levels for their age, others might showcase exceptional skills in specific areas, such as poetry or drama, yet have average skills elsewhere. This makes it challenging at times to map their skills to standard curriculum levels.

Additionally, an overarching perspective is necessary as these gifted abilities in English may manifest in other subjects. Especially in later key stages, as learning diversifies, it becomes imperative to evaluate students’ accomplishments across the curriculum to get a comprehensive view of their capabilities.